Wellness Checks by SG Health Solutions

More and more employers are concerned with keeping their workforce healthy by providing general healthy worker assessments and health promotion information.

Promoting an environment that improves the health and wellbeing of employees is good management and leads to healthy and productive workspaces. Many employers consider such services good business sense, protecting employees, their most valuable asset.

Health assessments can reduce absenteeism by possibly preventing future health and safety risks, as well as the potential for escalating insurance premiums. By investing in the health of your employees, your staff may feel more valued and safe within their workplace, which may in turn increase team productivity and retention.

Individual employees will receive a confidential report and can target health improvement goals. Our health professionals will educate your employees about ongoing healthcare to protect themselves against injuries, common illnesses, and diseases.

Organisations will have a de-identified overview of the well-being of their workforce as a whole. The information gathered could form the basis for your workplace wellness program by determining key health risk areas.

Lifestyle disease risk factors, including diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and inactivity, are measured and addressed in a targeted approach.

Health checks for staff involve robust, medically-led assessments of one’s holistic health and wellbeing.

Life-threatening skin cancers can be detected and further diagnosed through referral to a skin specialist.

We can offer Health Assessments using the following

Specifically tailored questionnaires (lifestyle and nutritional status)

  • Urinalysis (glucose, blood, protein ketones)
  • Blood (cholesterol, diabetes)
  • Blood pressure checks or pulse
  • Skin cancer checks
  • Height
  • Weight
  • BMI
  • Advice
  • For your remote workers, remote-assessed health checks

Optional extras

  • Mental health assessments
  • Whole-body scans
  • Resting heart rate
  • Strength, reflexes and flexibility tests
  • Overall lifestyle assessment
  • Lung function tests
  • Posture analysis

Wellness checks can involve onsite testing of lifestyle health risks, cardio-respiratory health, mental health, skin cancer assessments, exercise tolerance, nutritional status, lifestyle factors, and a range of important key health metrics.

Following each 15-minute assessment, a follow-up consultation from your chosen health practitioner may be advised.


SG Health Solutions is ready to continue or start your wellness checking program. Get in touch today.

Workplace wellness checks refer to the assessment or evaluation of an employee’s physical well-being, including nutrition and diet, sleep, activity levels, and undertaking screening tests such as blood pressure and blood sugar for cardiovascular disease and diabetes. These checks can include various types of health screenings, as well as assessments of overall job satisfaction. The goal of workplace wellness checks is to promote employee health, improve productivity, and prevent workplace injuries or illnesses.

There are several benefits for both employees and employers when companies conduct workplace wellness checks:

Benefits for Employees:

  • Increased awareness and understanding of their health status, which can help them make more informed decisions about their lifestyle and health.
  • Early detection of potential health issues or diseases can lead to earlier treatment and better health outcomes.
  • Improved access to resources and support for improving their health and well-being, such as nutrition counseling or fitness programs.
  • Reduced stress levels and improved job satisfaction, which can lead to a better overall quality of life.

Benefits for Employers:

  • Increased productivity and decreased absenteeism, as healthier employees are less likely to miss work due to illness or injury.
  • Reduced healthcare costs, as early detection and treatment of health issues can help prevent more serious and expensive medical problems later on.
  • Improved employee retention and recruitment, as a workplace that prioritizes employee health and well-being, is often more attractive to potential employees.
  • Improved company culture and morale, as employees feel valued and supported by their employer.

In Australia, workplace wellness checks are not currently mandatory for all employers. However, some industries and workplaces may be subject to specific regulations or requirements regarding employee health and safety. For example, workplaces with hazardous work conditions may be required to provide regular health screenings to employees to ensure their safety. Additionally, some employers may choose to implement workplace wellness programs as part of their company culture or employee benefits package. It’s always best to consult with a legal or HR professional to understand the specific regulations and requirements that apply to your workplace.


There is no set frequency for workplace wellness checks in Australia, as the specific needs and risks of each workplace may vary. However, some employers may choose to conduct wellness checks annually or biennially to monitor employee health and well-being. It’s important to note that any wellness checks should be voluntary and confidential, and employees should be informed of the purpose and procedures of the checks.

It’s important to note that the frequency of workplace wellness checks may also depend on the type of wellness check being conducted. For example, biometric screenings may be conducted more frequently than mental health screenings or fitness assessments.

During workplace wellness checks, various types of information may be collected, depending on the specific type of wellness check being performed. Some common types of information that may be collected include:

  • Biometric data such as blood pressure, cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels, and BMI
  • Information on lifestyle habits such as smoking, alcohol consumption, and exercise habits
  • Family health history
  • Medical history and current health concerns
  • Nutritional habits and dietary preferences
  • Sleep patterns and the quality of sleep
  • Mental health concerns or symptoms

Employers should only collect information that is necessary for the specific purpose of the wellness check and should ensure that the information collected is kept confidential and secure. Employers should also obtain the consent of employees before conducting any wellness checks and should inform employees of the purpose of the check and how the information will be used.

Workplace wellness checks are typically voluntary and confidential, and employees cannot “fail” them. The purpose of these checks is to identify potential health risks and provide employees with information and resources to improve their health and well-being.

If an employee is found to have a health condition or risk factor during a wellness check, the employer may offer resources such as referrals to healthcare professionals, wellness programs, or educational materials to help the employee manage the condition or risk factor. Employers may also use the information collected during the wellness check to identify common health issues among employees and develop workplace health initiatives that address these issues. It’s important to note that any health information collected during a workplace wellness check is confidential and should be treated as such. Employers should only use the information for the specific purpose of the wellness check and should obtain the consent of employees before sharing the information with anyone else.

It’s also worth noting that workplace wellness checks should not be used to discriminate against employees or make employment decisions based on an individual’s health status. Employers should ensure that they comply with all relevant anti-discrimination laws and regulations.

Other Services

Drug & Alcohol testing

Reduce workplace risk and maintain a safe working environment for your team through effective alcohol and drug screening.

DAMP Policy

Effective alcohol and drug screening can reduce workplace risk and maintain a safe working environment for your team. SG Health Solutions offers onsite drug and alcohol screening using either saliva, oral fluid, or urine, accompanied by a breathalyser test.​

Spirometry (Lung Function)

Employees who are potentially exposed to irritant dust, gases, or vapours in the workplace should be tested. SG Health Solutions provides onsite spirometry tests to assess and monitor employees lung function.

Respirator Fit Testing

Protect your team from chemical, environmental, and airborne biohazards. Respirator fit testing by SG Health Solutions will ensure your respirators are safe and up to code. and your employees know how to wear the devices properly.

Audiometry (Hearing)

Audiometric testing is required in any working environment where employees have exposure to noise levels that require a hearing protector. SG Health Solutions will determine each worker’s baseline and provide periodic audiometry testing to ensure you are meeting your legislative requirements.

Wellness Check

A tailored solution that promotes workplace health, including cholesterol, diabetes, and skin cancer checks.

Impairment Officer Training, HLTPAT005, and Educationals

Specialised training programs, including Impairment Officer Training and HLTPAT005 certification, equipping individuals with the skills to conduct workplace drug and alcohol testing while providing educational services to promote drug and alcohol safety and compliance in the workplace.

Medical and Paramedical

A comprehensive range of medical and paramedical services aimed at meeting the diverse needs of your clients. Our commitment is to deliver efficient, discreet, and compassionate care while minimizing any disruptions to their busy lives. Whether it’s a complete medical examination or specific tests, we offer expertise and professionalism to meet their requirements.

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