03 9820 1609

Frequently Asked Questions

When applying for life insurance, the information you provide plays a crucial role in the underwriting process. Your age, weight, lifestyle, and health are significant factors that determine your policy. While some answers may be self-certified without the need for evidence, complete honesty is essential. Incorrect information, whether intentional or not, can lead to a claim being invalidated, with no premium refund. Additionally, providing false information may constitute insurance fraud. In some cases, based on your application responses, a medical exam may be required. This involves visiting your GP for a health assessment, potentially including a blood test, with results shared with the insurer. These exams help insurers accurately assess your health and make informed decisions regarding coverage and pricing. Both you and the insurer benefit from these health checks, ensuring transparency and confidence in the policy.
If a medical exam is requested, it’s important to schedule it promptly to secure personalized
coverage. Delaying the exam may necessitate re-evaluation and quoting.

One of our dedicated team members will reach out to you personally to coordinate and arrange a suitable date, time, and location that aligns with your convenience and preferences. We understand that your time is valuable, and our aim is to make this process as effortless and accommodating as possible for you. Your satisfaction and ease are our top priorities, and we’re committed to ensuring that the scheduling of any appointments or arrangements is tailored to your specific needs, providing you with a seamless and stress-free experience. These services are free for you. All medical information requested during the assessment of your application will be paid for by the insurance company.

The following should be considered before your medical examination.

  • Alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco can have an impact on your blood pressure reading if
    consumed prior to your test. Therefore, it is best to avoid these for 24 hours before
    your medical examination.
  • Fasting is required for Glucose, Lipid tests, and MBA 20. This means no food or fluids (except plain water) for a period of 8-10 hours prior to your medical examination. Water is encouraged during the fasting period to make blood collection easier and to ensure you are well hydrated.
  • Please let the Pathology Collector know if you have ever had any fainting episodes during a blood test.
  • Note: If you are insulin-dependent diabetic, pregnant or breastfeeding, you should not
    fast prior to your blood test. Please inform us of this at the time of making your
    appointment and at the time of the collection.

The duration of the tests typically varies, with each one taking approximately 20 to 60 minutes, depending on the specific test that is required. At SH Health Solutions, we understand that your time is valuable, and we’ve tailored our services to prioritize your flexibility and comfort. Our approach is centred on creating a healthcare experience that not only meets your health needs but also
respects your schedule and well-being.

If there is a dressing, please leave it in place for between 2-4 hours.

  • Refrain from doing any vigorous exercise, which could stimulate blood flow and may cause bleeding from the site.
  • If you have been fasting, please eat and drink soon after your blood collection.
  • Please note: Some people may experience some bleeding, bruising, swelling or discomfort in the arm after a blood test which may be unavoidable. Following the above instructions can minimise the occurrence of these.
  • If bleeding occurs at the needle site – apply firm pressure over the site and elevate your arm until the bleeding stops. If excessing bruising, discomfort or swelling occurs at the needle site – apply ice pack to the area for 10 minutes, remove for 5 minutes and reapply. Rest your arm as much as possible.
  • Eat foods rich in iron, such as leafy green vegetables or iron-fortified cereals. These can help replenish lost iron stores to build your blood supply back up.

The pathology laboratory will conduct tests on your blood that have been ordered on your Pathology
Request Form and for which you have given consent.
On occasions additional (reflex) tests will be conducted on the specimens if required under the
guidelines set by the Insurance company. Your test results are dealt with in the strictest confidence,
and once received from the pathology laboratory, they will be sent to the insurance company and
form part of the basis of your insurance application.

Our team is ready to help.

Our dedicated team is fully prepared and eager to provide the assistance and support you require. With our wealth of experience and expertise, we stand ready to address your needs and offer solutions that align with your goals and objectives.